Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Minimalism vs Maximalism

Room with blue and red wall with full bookshelves and papers stuck to the bulletin board and a guitar in the corner representing minimalism vs maximalism

According to research, clearing clutter from your home and work environment improves focus and productivity. That’s why I was surprised by some articles and trends in the news promoting the benefits of clutter. However, if you read between the lines, they are talking about the desire to keep their stuff…. Read more

Use Templates to Improve Productivity

cookie cutter on rolled out dough showing cookies missing representing how templates work

A template is a pattern used to create replicas quickly and easily. In digital terms, it is a specially crafted file that contains all the building blocks you need to create replicas. This means you don’t have to recreate an item whenever you need it. It takes time to build… Read more

How to Make an Inventory for an International Move

A tablet upright on a table displaying a form to create an inventory for an international move

Moving abroad is challenging. You must adjust or re-adjust to a new climate and culture. But, before you go, you’ll need to create a household inventory for an international move. What is an Inventory? Simply put, an inventory is a detailed listing of all your household goods – everything from… Read more

How to Organize Pokémon Cards

left side shows multi-coloured binder zippered closed. Right side shows open binder to organize pokemon cards

I often discover trading card collections when I help families organize their homes. Children amass them to trade with their friends, and parents frequently roll their eyes at these messy piles of cards. However, there are benefits to card collections. Gaming cards can boost reading skills and memory retention and… Read more

Top 10 Office Organizing Tips to Implement Now

tidy desk with laptop computer, plant, desk organizers and rolling office chair representing the top 10 office organizing tips

Are you ready for some quick tips that you can implement today to boost productivity at your office? This could be the most important thing you read all day. Feel free to share these top 10 office organizing tips with your colleagues. Top 10 Office Organizing Tips Use my B-CLEAR™… Read more

23 Things to Declutter This Year

bottles of fragrances scattered on a counter representing things to declutter this year

I’m starting this year with a quick little post with a list of things you can declutter this year. Although I say, “toss it” and “throw it in the trash,” I don’t want you to send everything to the landfill. Please take the time to dispose of your items responsibly…. Read more

4 Ways to Save Money in a Small Business

A small two leaf plant growing out of a jar filled with coins representing ways to save money in a small business.

With a struggling economy, many people are looking at cost-cutting measures, and entrepreneurs are no exception. For that reason, I’ve put together a list of ways to save money in a small business. Because these tips focus on organizing and business systems, they can also save time and reduce stress…. Read more

All About Moving Boxes

Various sizes and types of moving boxes scattered across a room.

Often clients ask me how many moving boxes they need for a move. The answer depends on the household. A minimalist living in a studio apartment might use 20 or 30 moving boxes, whereas a family in a 4-bedroom home would require over 200. But it isn’t just the number… Read more

Organizing Your Socks and Stockings

A person's legs and feet wearing socks with Out of Chaos logo on them.

Do you rummage through an overflowing sock drawer looking for a matching pair every morning? Are your tights and pantyhose tangled in knots? Although it’s a small task, organizing your socks and stockings will save you a lot of time every day. Declutter Your Socks and Stockings The first step… Read more