Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Digitizing Old Photos

box full of old photographs representing digitizing old photos

Boxes of printed photographs and photo albums are common in many household closets and storage spaces. While people don’t access them frequently, they want to keep them because they represent the family’s history and memories. However, unless photographs are properly preserved, they will degrade over time. That’s why many people… Read more

How to Organize the Information You Need Every Day

tidy desk with laptop computer and two file boxes holding the information you need every day

“Where did I put that information?” It’s a common and sometimes frequent question people ask themselves (me included). Perhaps you look for price lists, instructions, websites you frequently send to clients, and more. And maybe you store the data in multiple places, then become confused about the most up-to-date. What… Read more

How to Clear Out Your Storage Unit

An Out of Chaos team member is sorting through items spread out in a hallway as they clear out a storage unit

People rent storage units for many reasons. They might need to store household goods during a home renovation or when moving from one house to another. Occasionally, families need to downsize an older relative to a smaller home, and they need more time to sort through all the possessions, so… Read more

How to Build and Organize a Clothes Mending Kit

Linda Chu's sweater she repaired with her mending kit.

News articles continue to indicate that fast fashion is a significant contributor to climate change. Of course, the first step is buying clothing that will last and taking care of it. However, even if you take good care of your clothes, eventually, seams and hems come undone, sweaters get snagged,… Read more

Sorting Paperwork: The Basic Steps

members of the Out of Chaos team sitting at a large table sorting paperwork into bins

Recently, we worked with a client who needed help sorting paperwork. It’s a time-consuming job because you must read and interpret the information on the paper before deciding what to do with it. In fact, this client had several years’ worth of documents in piles, boxes, and filing cabinets around… Read more

Declutter Your Outdoor Space

garden shed beside garage on well-kept property representing declutter your outdoor space

Sometimes, our outdoor spaces can become a catch-all for everything we don’t want inside our homes, especially over the cooler months. But tossing all our junk in the yard won’t make us the darlings of the neighbourhood. In fact, a recent survey indicates one of the top factors respondents cited… Read more

Where to Spend and Where to Save on Organizing Products

drawer organizers made from cut cardboard boxes showing where to save on organizing products

Let’s face it. We live in a capitalist society, and businesses are there to make money. People have good intentions regarding decluttering and organizing, but the slick marketing ads in magazines and makeover television shows convince people to buy storage containers they may not need. In fact, the Out of… Read more

Time Management Tips for Better Networking

silhouettes of people in a meeting room practising time management tips for better networking

One of my favourite fables, The Grasshopper and the Ant, has a message that applies to the business world. The hard-working ant prepares for the future by gathering and storing food. His lazy neighbour, the grasshopper, spends his time in idle pursuits. When winter comes, the ant enjoys the fruits… Read more

In the Mood for Spring Cleaning with CBC – BC Today

CBC Radio logo for Linda Chu's interview on In the Mood for Spring Cleaning on BC Today

I was happy to discuss getting in the mood for spring cleaning with Michelle Eliot on BC Today. We talked about how the warm weather and sunshine inspire our spring-cleaning efforts. At this time of the year, we’re coming out of the depths of winter’s cold weather. When we look… Read more

How to Reduce Regrets About Moving to a New Home

broken dishes lying on packing paper representing regrets about moving

Did you know that 44% of Americans who moved to a new home admitted to crying at least once during the process? I assume the results of a Canadian survey would be similar. The survey also indicates that over 50% of Americans have some regrets about moving to a new… Read more