Entrepreneurs must use their money wisely to be successful. Of course, using the least expensive suppliers can be an economical choice. However, when you spend money to boost productivity, it can result in a significant return on investment. Consider investing in these tools and services to enhance your efficiency and… Read more
Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More
Navigating Temporary Relocations
When we think about temporary relocations, the image that most often comes to mind is a college student living in a dorm for the school year and returning home for the holidays. However, there are many other reasons why people move to transient housing. For instance, I am renovating my… Read more
Organizing School Memorabilia
The years from kindergarten to high school graduation are filled with memories. Of course, school is where we learn languages, arts, maths, and sciences, but we also make friends and have unforgettable experiences. It’s no wonder we have so many souvenirs from our school days. However, carefully curating and organizing… Read more
What to Do When Business is Slow
Many of my fellow entrepreneurs take holidays when business is slow. And that is wonderful because vacations boost productivity, and you can come back fully charged and ready to go. But what if your business is still slow? Don’t let your energy go to waste. Use this time to strengthen… Read more
6 Tips to Make Moving Easier
As I’ve often said, many people look forward to living in a new home even though the process of moving can be overwhelming. We’ve helped hundreds of people transition from one home to another over the last 20 years, so today, we’re sharing these tips that can help make moving… Read more
How to Organize and Store Your Kitchen Knives
Let me start by saying the worst ways to store kitchen knives are tossing them loose in a drawer or leaving them in a pile on the counter. It is dangerous. You, or someone you love, could be seriously injured. Furthermore, you could damage the knife blades, so they become… Read more
Tips for Summer Networking
As warmer weather arrives, many business owners experience slower months. They often take holidays and spend less time on work-related activities. Also, there are fewer tradeshows and conferences where entrepreneurs can connect. However, summer networking offers unique opportunities to make connections and build your business. Of course, as a business… Read more
Things to Know to Ship a Car When Moving
Usually, when people relocate, they drive their car to their destination. However, there are several reasons why they might want to ship a car when moving to their new home. For example, they might own multiple vehicles and can only drive one. Perhaps they have a classic/vintage car that couldn’t… Read more
Organizing the Balcony
Do you want to create a fantastic outdoor space? Check out my tips on organizing the balcony in the Public Storage blog. In this article, I encourage people to decide what they want to use their balcony for. Then, check their lease, condo rules, and/or local bylaws before they make… Read more
Digitizing Old Photos
Boxes of printed photographs and photo albums are common in many household closets and storage spaces. While people don’t access them frequently, they want to keep them because they represent the family’s history and memories. However, unless photographs are properly preserved, they will degrade over time. That’s why many people… Read more