Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Product vs Process

organzing problems at BC Home and Garden Show

I was at the BC Home and Garden Show last month among the throngs of do-it-yourselfers and idea-starved renovators. It occurred to me that these shoppers, similar to many of my clients, are hunting for a solution to their organizing problems. It could be a messy garage, a cluttered office,… Read more

The Tickler File

a tickler file comprised of 43 hanging file folders in a filing cabinet drawer

How many times each day do you write notes to yourself on scraps of paper and sticky notes to remind yourself about a task you must do? This action would be ideal if you did not continue to miss doing or finding things. The Tickler File — or some may… Read more

NO – You Are Not the Worst

Professional Organizer Linda Chu ready to clear clutter

The most common question I am asked by my clients is whether they are the most disorganized person I have worked with. The answer is: No – You are not the worst. I belong to a national association, Professional Organizers in Canada and as a member of the BC Chapter,… Read more

Save Money by Being Organized

Canadian money - savvy with money

Do you walk into a room, intent on looking for something and feel like you want to slam the door shut and run? We often dread having to look for something, because of the piles and overflowing drawers and cupboards we have to sift through. Many people find it easier… Read more

How to Conquer Photo Clutter

pile of old photographs representing conquer photo clutter

We all love taking photographs, but few of us enjoy organizing our photographs into albums. Instead, we dump all our cherished memories into boxes and piles. Some still remain in the envelopes that they came in from the photo-developing studio. Whatever your dilemma, there is a solution to conquer photo… Read more

Packing Tips for the Organized Traveller

person putting clothes into suitcase for packing tips

The seasoned traveller knows that the signs of a successful trip – be it for pleasure or for business – start with being organized in packing your luggage. Follow these tips from Professional Organizer, Linda Chu of Out of Chaos, and arrive at your destination prepared for serious business and/or… Read more

Work Shortcuts

chatelaine logo

This article on Work Shortcuts was originally published in Chatelaine Magazine. I know that the email ping is the sound that somebody loves you, but you’ve got to turn it off! Check email and reply only a couple of times a day.” ~ Linda Chu, Professional Organizer, Vancouver Plan for… Read more

Organizing and Streamlining

multi coloured threads showing organzing and streamlining

Organizing and streamlining are similar yet different. When we think about organizing and the words that come to mind are: Sort out Arrange Classify Put in order To streamline, on the other hand, we think about: Create efficiency Restructure Simplify Declutter We complicate our lives with our possessions and the… Read more

Excess vs Access

When do your piles of information and possessions cease to inform and be useful, and instead become an anxious burden? The answer: when you have too much excess and can’t access what you need. Some like to call them piles of organized chaos. Stuff is stuff, I say, whether we… Read more

Procrastination – How to Avoid it

procrastinate printed on banner

If you don’t already know it and live it… all those piles around you are only piles of delayed actions… you know, the things that you will get around to doing later… BUT, we all know that ‘later’ never seems to get here. To avoid procrastination, follow the tips below…. Read more