Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

The Next Big Thing: Your Closet

montreal gazette custom closet first step: edit

The Next Big Thing: Your Closet was written by Susan Schwartz and originally published in The Gazette. Ingrid Ulrich is the kind of person who is irritated by messiness; clutter stresses her out. When the only place for the chartered accountant to hang clothes she’d selected to wear to work… Read more

Paper Mail, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail (Part 2 of 3)

pile of paper mail

Five days a week, paper mail comes to your mailbox. Your letter carrier does not distinguish what is irrelevant and what is important. That’s your job, but you are succeeding? The worse case I’ve come across was someone who had not opened mail (including the flyers) in over six months…. Read more

Chu-sing a Clear Mind

chu-sing a clear mind - meditation

Cathy Clark, a personal professional coach, had some straight-forward thoughts to share with me when we were speaking about the subject of clutter. She feels that often our physical space is a direct reflection of where our minds are. She suggests a three part recipe to create a clear mind…. Read more

How to Manage Your Email

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How to Manage Your Email was written by Jacqueline Nunes and was originally published in Chatelaine. Here’s some news. Are you sitting down — away from your computer? Every day, 183 billion emails are sent worldwide, landing in the inboxes of 1.1 billion users. For many people with an email… Read more

Organize Your Stuff

the block magazine organize your stuff

Organize Your Stuff was originally published in The Block magazine (print edition). Step One: Take Inventory Soon you will experience them: the fresh air, bright spaces, movement and activity you so fondly associate with springtime. This is, until you dive into your garage or basement searching for your bicycle and… Read more

Cleaning up Household Clutter Is Part of Spring

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Cleaning up Household Clutter Is Part of Spring was written by Julie Crawford and originally published in North Shore News. SPRING is sprung, the grass is ris: I wonder where my cell phone is? Ah, spring! That season where things bloom and multiply, including the piles of papers, fliers and… Read more

Get Organized

chilliwack times logo get organized

Get Organized was written by Mike Chouinard and was originally published in the Chilliwack Times. For many, the thought of dealing with cluttered rooms at home or the piling system on their desks at work can become too much. The end result is more mess, and thus the cycle continues…. Read more

Paper Mail, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail (Part 1 of 3)

do not deliver before - delay sending emails

Email is relentless. Possibly unmanageable? Not unless, you consider using Outlook’s Do Not Deliver Before option. Occasionally, there are times when something comes to mind and you want to send a message to someone. But, you want to send it later when it is relevant. Then you are scared that… Read more

Order Out of Chaos: B.C. Women and Men Tell It the Way It Is

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Order Out of Chaos: B.C. Women and Men Tell It the Way It Is was written by Jeani Read and originally published in The Province. Clutter consulting: fun or frantic? “Absolutely the most fun I’ve had in any job. There’s always an element of frantic, since when you’re working with… Read more

Resolutions — Resolving to Make Solutions

resolving to make solutions

“The process of resolving something.” “A firm decision to do something.” According to the dictionary, we do this whenever we make New Year’s Resolutions. I often say that a list of things to do is nothing more than a list of intentions. How successful are you in actually doing something… Read more