Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Professional Organizers: Paper Kills

moneysense logo article title: paper kills

In preparation for tax season, I had a conversation with Rick Spence of Money Sense magazine. I was quoted in the article “Paper Kills: How to kill your paperwork problems before they kill you.” We discuss how to get paperwork in order. We touched on the fact that entrepreneurs can… Read more

Sort Through Those Problem Areas

declutter problem areas interview in Reader's Digest

I was thrilled to be interviewed for the Reader’s Digest article, Sort Through Those Problem Areas. Along with fellow professional organizer Jane Woolsey of Toronto, I discussed several problem areas in the home that tend to collect clutter. Drawers: Put containers or dividers in your “junk” or desk drawers, so… Read more

Work-Life Balance

yin-yang for work-life balance

Whatever happened to work-life balance? It’s always: Go! Go! Harder! Faster! And yet it never seems to be enough. Never enough effort, never enough time. I was just in Toronto presenting at the Health, Work & Wellness Conference (the theme was aptly titled “Conquer the Chaos“). During the conference, Deborah… Read more

How to Live Large in a Small Space

toronto star logo live large in a small space article

How to Live Large in a Small Space was written by Jennifer Brown and originally published in The Toronto Star. Living in a small space can sometimes feel like the walls are closing in – especially if you’re someone who tends to collect clutter rather than cull along the way…. Read more

Uncluttered Space = Uncluttered Mind

canadian-living-logo uncluttered mind article

Uncluttered Space = Uncluttered Mind was written by Katherine Gibson and originally published in Canadian Living. Declutter Your Closets My friend Maggie is a hoarder. Her tiny Winnipeg bungalow is filled to the rafters with every homemade card, piece of art and dollar-store gift her children ever gave to her…. Read more

What a Mess!

As a Professional Organizer, we are consultants, who assist in developing systems to organize the piles that have accumulated in peoples lives at home and work. We are often contacted for hands-on tangible results with your physical possessions. In speaking with my Coach Willie Carter, of The Next Step Personal… Read more

Paper Mail, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail (Part 3 of 3)

telephone voice mail

Isn’t voice mail supposed to make things easier? (Yes, I can feel you rolling your eyes, right now.) In business, it’s supposed to save us time and give callers the calming knowledge that someone is physically retrieving their messages every day. Whether you’re creating a greeting for incoming callers or… Read more

Chu-sing to Be Savvy With Money

Canadian money - savvy with money

Tax time is one of the more stressful times of the year. You are in search mode, looking for all your documents. In addition, you are possibly more stressed about having to pay taxes. Being savvy with money shouldn’t be this difficult! I was speaking with a business colleague, Nancy… Read more

The Next Big Thing: Your Closet

montreal gazette custom closet first step: edit

The Next Big Thing: Your Closet was written by Susan Schwartz and originally published in The Gazette. Ingrid Ulrich is the kind of person who is irritated by messiness; clutter stresses her out. When the only place for the chartered accountant to hang clothes she’d selected to wear to work… Read more

Paper Mail, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail (Part 2 of 3)

pile of paper mail

Five days a week, paper mail comes to your mailbox. Your letter carrier does not distinguish what is irrelevant and what is important. That’s your job, but you are succeeding? The worse case I’ve come across was someone who had not opened mail (including the flyers) in over six months…. Read more