Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

The Declutter Factor

white clothes hanging in wood closet - declutter factor

The Declutter Factor was written by Nori Sinclair and originally published in Western Living Condo magazine, Fall/Winter 2009 edition. Download the full article (PDF). Great containers are only half the battle. Linda Chu of Vancouver’s Out of Chaos offers these tips. Divide and Conquer Split your clothes into two seasons,… Read more

Organizing Your Social Networking Identity

person using a mobile phone with emoticons organizing social networking identity

More and more, social networking is being used to stay in touch with family, friends, colleagues and to boost business. But I barely have time to live my own life, much less to read what everyone else is doing. How do you manage organizing your social networking identity? To answer… Read more

Outsourcing Your Hiring Activities to the Experts

cluttered desk outsourcing your hiring activities written on paper

With the downturn in the economy, it’s hard to justify paying for outsourcing your hiring activities. But, many are finding themselves doing the work of two or more people. For instance, a recent client was in the position of hiring for a short-term, entry-level position in their company. The vacancy… Read more

Your Mommy Life Makeover. Organizing Your Life

westcoast family magazine logo - mommy life makeover interview

I was thrilled to be interviewed by Jennifer Fresher of West Coast Families Magazine. The article Mommy Life Makeover discusses a number of issues facing busy parents today. Time Management My top tip is to use a to-do list for everything. Having a list will help you focus on what… Read more

Organizing Your Work, Yourself, and Your Environment

3 stacks of balanced stones representing your work, yourself, your environment

Finding balance often comes into conversation when I work with clients. This month I’ll share with you a tip for your work, yourself, and your environment. No Time to Open All Those Emails Here’s a quick tip to put into practice immediately, to save precious time when managing your emails…. Read more

Green Organizing Tips

man sitting in office but outside green organizing tips

I love spring because it’s green and fresh everywhere. It feels great to be outside. But wouldn’t it be great to feel that rejuvenated and well-balanced at your workspace? You can make that happen with these green organizing tips. The ‘reduce, re-use, recycle’ mantra of the green movement applies to… Read more

Organizing to Protect Your Business

tidy office organized to protect your business

Organizing to protect your business can help you stay operational while undergoing cost-cutting and restructuring. Many companies are looking at ways of cutting costs and even laying off staff. But if the people who kept everything organized are no longer around, you can see the direct impact of disorganization on… Read more

Front Hall Fixes

inviting front hall in home

Front Hall Fixes was written by Alison Wood and was originally published on HGTV Canada. The front hallway is the entry to your home, a place of welcoming. But this often-cramped space can be anything but. Without organization, shoes, coats, mail and accessories can take over, making arriving or departing… Read more

Need to Organize? Prioritize!

need to organize prioritize with sticky notes

If you need to organize and prioritize, sticky notes can help. Whether you use the coloured-paper variety or the tech-savvy digital sticky notes, these little scraps of data come in very handy to organize and prioritize your tasks. They’re great for remembering your dentist’s appointment or business meeting, or just… Read more