Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Business is Not Like Cramming for an Exam

Remember what school was like? Things seemed a little simpler then. Tests and exams stressed me out, but the habits I had even before I became a professional organizer helped me get through those times and on to graduate. In school, as in my business today, you have to put in… Read more

How to Scan Photo Albums Into Digital Photos

Boxes of printed photographs & photo albums are common in many household closets and storage spaces. While they are not being ‘used’ or accessed frequently, people don’t want to toss them out because they represent the family’s history and memories. However, unless properly preserved, photos will degrade over time. That’s… Read more

We CLEAR, You Clean

cleaning products and clear process

Life gets busy and we forget (or procrastinate) to do things we don’t like doing, like spring cleaning. Here at Out of Chaos, we prefer to call it Spring CLEARing. Follow our easy CLEAR process and do your spring-clearing chores before summer gets here! The CLEAR Process Categorize: The process… Read more

Do As I Do, Not (Just) As I Say

stacks of hats on table representing business owner wearing all the hats

“I want to do it myself!” is the chant of every four-year-old. You have to admire their enthusiasm, but the end result doesn’t work so well for them. As a business habit, it’s not so hot, either. I used to try to do everything myself as well, but I found… Read more

Organize an Emergency Wildfire Kit

forest fire on mountain side highlighting the importance of an emergency wildfire kit

The wildfires in Fort McMurray are a devastating eye-opener of how prepared or ill-prepared we are for emergencies. Professional Organizers in Canada is sharing their top tips to organize an emergency wildfire kit. Ideally, you should create an emergency kit to sustain your family for at least 72 hours. In… Read more

Changing Your Bad Habits in Just Minutes A Day

two people discussing changing your bad habits

We all have bad habits that hold us back in our business and personal lives. But habits don’t have to be permanent. And if you’re serious about changing your ways, don’t be intimidated by thinking it’s a matter of willpower. It’s about changing your bad habits and replacing them with… Read more

Create a Kitchen that Grows with You as You Age

tidy kitchen with white cupboards

Sam and his wife have been living in the same house for 40 years. They are empty nesters and decided it was time to downsize. They realized they had far more capacity than they needed in their old house. Their new home is one-third of the size of their previous… Read more

10 Great Ways To Store Boots

boots hanging from a rack - ways to store boots

Shoe racks and shelves are fine for storing sneakers, flip-flops and heels. But boots usually don’t fit onto these one-size-fits-all solutions, leaving boots to flop over or pile up on the floor. That leads to not just a frustrating organizational eyesore, but also causes unnecessary wear and tear on your… Read more

Do. Or do not. Jedi Master of Time Management

Statue of Yoda, Jedi Master - Inspiration for Master of Time Management

Managing your time efficiently can be quite complicated. I recently gave a presentation about Time Management, which of course, is nothing new. But this time there was a fun twist… I used the movie Star Wars as a method to teach time management! It was interesting and a lot of… Read more