Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Garage

organizing your garage using black bins with yellow lids neatly arranged on heavy-duty stainless steel shelving

We store many things in our garages – tools, lawn and garden supplies, sports gear, and often we store stuff we just can’t fit into the house. Organizing your garage has some significant challenges. Garages are generally big open spaces with no defined areas. Also, they are subject to fluctuations… Read more

Boost Your Productivity With a Big HIIT

clock beside computer on desk representing giving your productivity a big HIIT

In the fitness world, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) combines bursts of intense exercise with periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. Using this HIIT method, athletes can maximize their training benefits in a reduced period of time. Some evidence shows that adjusting the workday to resemble a high-intensity interval training session… Read more

Delays Don’t Pay! Sell or Donate Now for Maximum Returns

two vintage Persian rugs with moth larvae infestation representing delays don't pay

In today’s marketplace, timing is crucial when selling or donating your possessions. Tina Beer Hamlin of Coast Consignment joins me in this blog post to discuss why delays don’t pay when you’re trying to sell or donate your items. Recently, Coast Consignment received ten beautiful vintage and antique Persian carpets… Read more

Top 12 Tips to Keep Kids Organized

brightly coloured, organized children's playroom representing tips to keep kids organized

Teaching organizing skills to children is a powerful way to set them up for success. In fact, it will help them learn to set priorities, make plans, stick to tasks – and complete them as they get older. Additionally, orderly environments give children a sense of control and confidence because… Read more

Computer Tips for Productivity – Implement These for Immediate Results

two laptops back-to-back representing computer tips for productivity

When people think about increasing their productivity, they often believe they must make large, sweeping changes. Fortunately, we don’t have to overhaul our systems and processes to see positive changes. In fact, minor adjustments can lead to big results over the long term. For instance, when you implement these computer… Read more

A Guide to Packing Materials for Moving Household Goods

household items wrapped in packing paper as an example of packing materials

When you move to a new home, packing your household goods can feel overwhelming. It’s tempting to use your linens and clothing to pack your possessions, saving time and costs. However, for a smooth transition and to ensure your belongings arrive safely, it is essential to use proper packing materials…. Read more

Understanding the Cost of Decluttering and Organizing

red roses and laptop on tidy desk in front of beautifully organized cupboards representing the cost of decluttering and organizing

When new clients contact Out of Chaos, often one of their concerns is the cost of decluttering and organizing. I completely understand because people are more financially conscientious than ever in the current economic climate. However, the cost of professional organizing services can vary widely depending on the project. Here… Read more

Hiring Financial Professionals for Productivity – and Success

a paper airplane with dollar signs on it flying high into the sky representing how the assistance of financial professionals can boost your productivity and success

Hiring financial professionals like a bookkeeper, accountant, and part-time chief financial officer can significantly enhance the productivity and efficiency of your business. Here’s a detailed look at how each role can contribute to your productivity and success. Bookkeepers: The Basics of Financial Management Bookkeepers manage a business’s day-to-day financial transactions…. Read more

Real Simple Magazine: Best Home Storage Finds

woven banana leaf baskets as suggested to Real Simple Magazine

I’m delighted to announce that Real Simple magazine featured one of my storage solutions in the article Professional Organizers Share the Best Home Storage Finds. Being included in a magazine such as Real Simple is a testament to the quality and effectiveness of the home storage products I recommend to… Read more

Essential Documents for a Deceased Person

four Canadian passports are an example of essential documents for a deceased person

Serving as someone’s executor is a role with significant responsibilities. One critical task is obtaining, managing and retaining the essential documents for a deceased person. In fact, proper documentation is crucial for the legal administration of an estate. During our 20+ years as professional organizers in Vancouver, Out of Chaos… Read more