Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Back-to-School Transition Tips (Part 2 of 2)

welcome back-to-school written on chalkboard

After the long leisurely summer months, many people dread the frenzy that fall brings. Our Back-to-School Transition Tips Part 1 listed some advice to help you ease back into a routine. Here are a few more ways to calm the chaos of the back-to-school transition. Update Your Contacts and Social… Read more

Back-to-School Transition Tips (Part 1 of 2)

welcome back-to-school written on chalkboard

It’s almost that time of the year again – back-to-school. Kids (and sometimes parents) can dig in their heels and refuse to get back into a routine. But routines can bring stability and tranquillity to a household. It’s the adjustment from relaxed summer days to structured school days that can… Read more

Time-Saving Websites

clock falling into piggy bank

We’ve mentioned a few productivity apps that you can download and install to save time and effort. In this post, we present a few websites that can boost your productivity. There’s no need to download anything, but you might want to bookmark these time-saving websites for future use. Meeting Planners… Read more

About Downsizing… Kids Don’t Want Their Parents’ Stuff

hundreds of items at flea market

Boomers are retiring and downsizing in great numbers. Many of them want to pass their household goods on to their children, the Millennial Generation. The problem is, that most Millennials do not want these items. These generations have different lifestyles and view stuff differently so it is important to start… Read more

Should I Rent a Self-Storage Unit?

empty self-storage unit

Some of my clients ask whether they should keep some of their possessions in a self-storage unit. I’ve written before about why you should not use one, but there are many factors to consider. This includes whether you are using the self-storage unit temporarily or permanently, what you want to… Read more

Productivity Apps

person using productivity apps on computer

We all want to work effectively and efficiently. We want to be doing the right work at the right time with ease. I’ve put together a list of productivity apps that can help you save time and effort. Productivity apps come and go and the features change over time. Rather… Read more

Pivot Magazine: The Kondo Boom


I was delighted to be interviewed for the CPA Pivot Magazine about the public’s fascination with the KonMari Method of organizing. Here is part of my interview: “Marie Kondo is like the Keto diet… Her approach is very hot right now. But there are other diets out there that are… Read more

Organizing School Supplies at the End of the School Year

school is out written on chalkboard

The kids are done school for the year. They arrive home after their last day and dump all their school supplies, artwork, notebooks, dirty gym clothes, and everything else. The last thing they want to do is sort through it all. However, by taking a bit of time to get… Read more

Office Temperatures Affect Productivity

woman dressed warmly in cold office

Although I run warm most of the time, I know many who have worn their fair share of sweaters in cold offices, so I was interested when this study showed women’s productivity increases when office temperatures are about 3ºC warmer than the typical setting of 21ºC. The temperature of the… Read more