Tips for Organizing Clutter and Much More

Sleep and Productivity

sleep and productivity

I recently watched a TEDx talk on The Science of Sleep (and the Art of Productivity) by Dr. Matthew Carter, a sleep researcher. The talk focuses on how sleep and productivity are interconnected. A good night’s sleep can help us be more productive and having a productivity day, can help… Read more

10 Quick Tips for a Smooth Move

pack necklaces in rolled towel

Moving house is a part of life. It can be a stressful process but experience has taught us there are some things that can reduce the amount of work. Check out these quick tips for a smooth move. When packing, use paper towel roll tubes to protect sharp knives. Insert… Read more

Buying Clothes for Uncluttered Closets

buying clothes for an uncluttered closet men's shirts

Reports indicate that we purchase 400 percent more clothing per year than we did 20 years ago. It’s no wonder we have overstuffed closets and dressers. Additionally, experts tell us that the fashion industry has a hugely detrimental effect on our environment – from the water and chemicals used to… Read more

Continuous Improvement

plan-do-study-adjust continuous improvement process

The buzz-words “continuous improvement” have been around for quite a while now. It simply means that the goal is to become better all the time. In our businesses, and even in our homes, we should try to refine our processes to make our lives easier. Sometimes this is a significant… Read more

Prepare Outdoor Items for a Move

outdoor items preparing for move

Lawn furniture and gardening tools are often neglected when preparing for a move simply because they are stored outdoors. Some of these items require special care and can be time-consuming to pack as they can be heavy and oddly-shaped. The first step is to decide if you are going to… Read more

Organizing on a Budget

organizing budget boxes

Once you have gone through the process of sorting, purging, and emerging from chaos, it is time to look for organizing products. With entire stores dedicated to selling organizing tools equipment, it is all too easy to spend hundreds of dollars on containers, baskets, and bins only to find that… Read more

What’s Your Tech: Paper Chaos Gets Organized with Fujitsu ScanSnap

fujitsu scansnap scanner

WhatI was happy to share my knowledge about organizing paperwork Fujitsu’s ScanSnap scanner in the What’s Your Tech article entitled, Paper Chaos Gets Organized with Fujitsu ScanSnap. Here’s an excerpt: [Linda] Chu encountered her fair share of paper throughout a 20-year tenure in hotel management. She refers to it as… Read more

Technostress – How to Cope

woman sitting at computer experiencing technostress

Technostress is not a new genre of music, but if it were, I’m sure it would sound like fingernails down a blackboard. The word technostress was created to describe the pressure and anxiety people feel when dealing with technology. It is a significant problem in today’s society as we all… Read more

Vancouver Sun: Back-to-School Organization Begins at Home

vancouver sun logo

I was happy to have a chat with Claudia Kwan of The Vancouver Sun. We discussed how back-to-school organization begins at home. It is important to set up schedules, routines, and systems. It will create a solid foundation of organizational skills. In doing so, parents won’t be worried about running… Read more