Posts Tagged: time management

Sleep and Productivity

21, Oct 2019

I recently watched a TEDx talk on The Science of Sleep (and the Art of Productivity) by Dr. Matthew Carter, a sleep researcher. The talk focuses on how sleep and productivity are interconnected. A good night’s sleep can help us be more productive and having a productivity day, can help… Read more

Vacation Planning Advice for Entrepreneurs

13, May 2019

We’ve talked before about why vacations boost productivity, but many entrepreneurs still struggle with taking time off. The only way to find time for a holiday is to plan for it. Read on for some vacation planning advice to help you get away so you can relax and recover. Define… Read more

Maximizing Productivity Using Time Blocking

24, Dec 2018

Time blocking is an effective way to schedule tasks and help you manage your time to be more productive. When we maximize physical space, we put similar items in boxes and stack them in a closet. We can easily rearrange the boxes within the closet to better access the contents…. Read more

Is your Phone Actually Killing your Work Productivity?

30, May 2018

Yes, I know we all love our mobile phones.  From paying for a purchase to mapping out directions, the number of time saving tasks you can do with your phone is actually quite incredible. But while we may think that having our mobile device at hand is actually making us… Read more

How to Make your Work Commute More Productive

20, Nov 2017

Do you commute to and from work? While it may seem unproductive, you can use this downtime to your advantage.  Plan ahead and benefit from these morning and evening stretches to get some things accomplished. Here are some examples: If you’re driving… Organize your day using your hands-free assistant. iPhone user? … Read more

How to Manage Time at Work and Increase Profitability

18, Jul 2016

Are administrative tasks distracting you from your real work?  Manage time at work and increase profitability. If you’re running a small business, you likely have a lot of responsibilities that sidetrack you from your real job that earns you an income. But business functions like bookkeeping, filing, and follow-up calls… Read more

Do. Or do not. Jedi Master of Time Management

29, Mar 2016

Managing your time efficiently can be quite complicated. I recently gave a presentation about Time Management, which of course, is nothing new. But this time there was a fun twist… I used the movie Star Wars as a method to teach time management! It was interesting and a lot of… Read more

I Can’t Get My Work Done!

16, Jun 2011

In this electronic age, it does not come as a surprise that most work disruptions are electronic. The technology company, commissioned a survey in March 2011. They surveyed 515 IT users working in American and global companies to better understand the impact that electronic distractions have on the workplace…. Read more

Getting From To-Do to To-Done

08, Mar 2011

We all have that neverending list of things to do. We complete one task, and 10 more take its place. The key to getting from to-do to to-done is: Managing your task list; Creating transitional holding patterns; Planning your day by scheduling your commitments. Often your to-do list is nothing… Read more

Get Organized, Be More Productive & Focus on What Matters Most

11, Feb 2011

I had an article published in PeopleTalk, the online magazine of Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of British Columbia and Yukon. The title is, “Get Organized, Be More Productive & Focus on What Matters Most.” I discuss the challenges of a disorganized life then I propose some solutions to help… Read more