Posts Tagged: productivity

Office Organizing Magic

05, Dec 2008

Most people think that professional organizers work in the home, but something that causes problems for a lot of people is their desk at work. Linda Chu of Out of Chaos not only does residential organizing but office organizing magic as well. Watch the video as Linda works with Bill… Read more

Unclutter Your Life and Get Out of Chaos

28, Apr 2008

It’s time to get out of chaos! A poorly-functioning, disorganized office isn’t just a stressful place to work; it’s a health hazard. And the costs are adding up. Starbucks spends more on healthcare than on coffee beans. General Motors spends more on healthcare than steel. Part of that big health… Read more

How to Hire a Professional Organizer

08, Apr 2008

The embarrassing piles of clutter around your place forced you to cancel yet another pleasant dinner with your close friends. Your inbox at work is so full that it has become a workplace safety issue, even though you’re actually taking work home every night. So much for work-life balance. Meanwhile,… Read more

Paper Mail, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail (Part 3 of 3)

02, May 2007

Isn’t voice mail supposed to make things easier? (Yes, I can feel you rolling your eyes, right now.) In business, it’s supposed to save us time and give callers the calming knowledge that someone is physically retrieving their messages every day. Whether you’re creating a greeting for incoming callers or… Read more

Finding Balance in a Disorganized World

16, May 2006

I was recently in a weekend workshop in my search for finding balance in my life. I came out with nuggets of information that I thought would be of value and worth contemplation. We often strive to multitask to accomplish all the items on our to-do lists. Here are three… Read more

Organizing Your Email

19, Apr 2006

Imagine your mail being delivered to your door and you come home, glance at the envelopes to see who sent them, and then leave them at the door in a pile. Then you continue to do this every day, and the days stretch into weeks and months — perhaps even… Read more

Work Shortcuts

01, Nov 2005

This article on Work Shortcuts was originally published in Chatelaine Magazine. I know that the email ping is the sound that somebody loves you, but you’ve got to turn it off! Check email and reply only a couple of times a day.” ~ Linda Chu, Professional Organizer, Vancouver Plan for… Read more

Organizing and Streamlining

11, Oct 2005

Organizing and streamlining are similar yet different. When we think about organizing and the words that come to mind are: Sort out Arrange Classify Put in order To streamline, on the other hand, we think about: Create efficiency Restructure Simplify Declutter We complicate our lives with our possessions and the… Read more