Posts Tagged: paperwork

Paper Mail, Voice Mail, Electronic Mail (Part 2 of 3)

13, Apr 2007

Five days a week, paper mail comes to your mailbox. Your letter carrier does not distinguish what is irrelevant and what is important. That’s your job, but you are succeeding? The worse case I’ve come across was someone who had not opened mail (including the flyers) in over six months…. Read more

The Tickler File

14, Feb 2006

How many times each day do you write notes to yourself on scraps of paper and sticky notes to remind yourself about a task you must do? This action would be ideal if you did not continue to miss doing or finding things. The Tickler File — or some may… Read more

How Clutter Almost Claimed My Life (Business life that is!)

02, Aug 2005

Christopher Flett writes about the importance of business organization. In the articles that I write over the next few months, I’m going to offer you a tool each month to consider, implement, and manage. I have chosen ‘tools’ that I think will add to your ability to develop business in… Read more

Sort, Purge, and Emerge From Chaos

16, Mar 2005

Sort, Purge, and Emerge From Chaos was written by Julia Crawford and originally published in North Shore News. I pride myself on being a fairly organized person. Nonetheless, I seem to leave behind a trail of clutter wherever I go, like a silvery slug trail. Working from home, ongoing house… Read more