Posts Tagged: clothing

Shoe Care – How to Keep Your Shoes Looking Good as New!

27, Jun 2016

Shoes are an indispensable part of our lives. We often buy more shoes than we really need, and then we run out of space to store them all! Then caring for them is a whole other issue! Here are some organizational tips, as well as tips on how to keep your… Read more

How to Organize Your Bedroom Clothing

16, Feb 2016

Here in Vancouver, apartments appear to be getting smaller and smaller (or perhaps, you are gathering more and more stuff?). Master bedrooms are tiny, and to organize your bedroom clothing is a struggle. Here are a few tips & tricks to best manage the available space you live in. Maximize… Read more

Top 3 Tips on Organizing Your Clothes Closet

05, Jan 2016

Keeping your clothes closet organized seems to be a never-ending task. While continuous editing to control volume helps you to maintain your space, there are three important tips to keep top of mind to maximize the space and help you find what you need, when you need it. Here at… Read more

Sweatering the Memories

29, Sep 2010

After a live call-in show on CBC’s BC Almanac with Susan McNamee, a listener called in with a dilemma — her husband’s sweaters. We talked about “Sweatering the Memories” – a play on the phrase “sweating the small stuff.” To be exact, the listener was concerned about the sweaters that… Read more

The Declutter Factor

28, Oct 2009

The Declutter Factor was written by Nori Sinclair and originally published in Western Living Condo magazine, Fall/Winter 2009 edition. Download the full article (PDF). Great containers are only half the battle. Linda Chu of Vancouver’s Out of Chaos offers these tips. Divide and Conquer Split your clothes into two seasons,… Read more

Front Hall Fixes

01, Apr 2009

Front Hall Fixes was written by Alison Wood and was originally published on HGTV Canada. The front hallway is the entry to your home, a place of welcoming. But this often-cramped space can be anything but. Without organization, shoes, coats, mail and accessories can take over, making arriving or departing… Read more

Don’t Shut Your Eyes to a Restful Escape

28, Mar 2009

I was happy to do this interview with Toronto Star entitled, Don’t Shut Your Eyes to a Restful Escape. We talked about how important a calm, serene bedroom can improve sleep. “If there is clutter in the room, that’s not very restful,” says Linda Chu. “When you’re sleeping that’s the… Read more

Closet Organizing Systems Are Put to the Test

05, Dec 2008

The hosts of “The Shopping Bags“, Kristina and Anna installed four different types of closet organizing systems to the test. During the episode, professional organizer, Linda Chu provided valuable information on selecting the best system to suit the needs of the clients. The objective of a closet organizing system is… Read more

The First Step: Edit, Edit, Edit

22, Sep 2008

The First Step: Edit, Edit, Edit was written by Susan Schwartz and originally published in The Montreal Gazette A well-organized closet can mean not only more space but also more time. If every item has a place, then we’re not wasting time hunting down wayward shoes or blouses crushed somewhere… Read more

Could Your Clothes be Worth Thousands?

26, Feb 2008

How do you define value? In the case of clothing and personal possessions, often the value is more emotional than monetary. Consider for a moment, expressing value in terms of usefulness. If you have not used something as it was intended, it is just lying around taking up space. What… Read more