Posts Tagged: clothing

Cottage Q&A: Weekend Packing Tips

03, Jul 2020

Last year I was interviewed by Jackie Davis at Cottage Life magazine for their Cottage Q&A column. I provided weekend packing tips for the cottage. My tips to help simplify and organize packing and unpacking include: Reduce the amount of stuff you have to take back and forth. Make a… Read more

Organize Your In-Between Clothes

11, May 2020

Clothes that you’ve worn but are not dirty enough to wash can’t be hung up in your closet, nor can you toss them in your laundry basket. They’re “in-between clothes.” For people living in smaller homes without a washer/dryer, throwing everything into the laundry basket even if it might not… Read more

Keep or Toss the Wedding Dress?

27, Jan 2020

One item that we often find when we help clients declutter is a wedding dress. They often ask me if they should keep the dress, or let it go. It is a tough decision! Different people take different factors into consideration when they make their choice. Over the years, I’ve… Read more

Buying Clothes for Uncluttered Closets

07, Oct 2019

Reports indicate that we purchase 400 percent more clothing per year than we did 20 years ago. It’s no wonder we have overstuffed closets and dressers. Additionally, experts tell us that the fashion industry has a hugely detrimental effect on our environment – from the water and chemicals used to… Read more

Decluttering Kids’ Clothing

20, May 2019

Our clients with children tell us how quickly children grow and change. They often struggle with the accumulation of clothes and shoes – much of it is hardly worn because it is outgrown so quickly. Keeping ahead of the clutter can be challenging with kids so we’ve provided some advice… Read more

Pack a Carry-on for a Week-Long Trip? Yes, You Can!

14, Nov 2017

The colder months are upon us and it’s a wonderful time to head somewhere warm.  And as the spokesperson for Professional Organizers in Canada, I was very excited to be contacted by Global News to provide some tips on how to pack a carry-on for a week-long getaway. When you… Read more

How to Overcome Wardrobe Overload

10, Oct 2017

Are you someone who stares at their stuffed wardrobe and declares, “I have nothing to wear!”? Well, if you find assembling the right outfit baffling, you’re not alone.  Most of us have clothes we buy and think we’ll wear regularly but don’t.  In fact, recent research estimates that most of… Read more

4 Steps to Clearing Out Unused Business Attire

27, Mar 2017

As a Professional Organizer, I work with many corporate and residential clients. And one thing they usually have in common- clothing they no longer wear. Not only does it take up valuable closet space, but it often blocks out apparel they would wear– if only they could find it! So… Read more

Do You Know Where Your Unwanted Clothing Goes?

17, Oct 2016

While clearing your closet is very important, it’s also necessary to be socially responsible. The Out of Chaos team and I make every effort to ensure unwanted clothing items have a second life in some form. When dealing with clothes, what sustainable choices can you make? Don’t Throw Unwanted Clothing in… Read more

Tricks to Keep Children’s Rooms Organized

22, Aug 2016

Dreaming of neatly folded clothes, a made bed and a clean floor? Well, kids are not organized by nature. Keeping children’s rooms organized can be a challenge. It’s up to adults to create systems that will eventually become habits for children. Here are some simple tools and tricks that can… Read more