Posts Tagged: The CLEAR Process

Make Your To-Do List Work for You

07, Sep 2020

People tell us to make lists of things we should accomplish. Yet, we often get overwhelmed when we start making these long lists of tasks. Then, we end up berating ourselves because we can’t complete them. The problem: a list is not a system. It’s just a brain dump of… Read more

I Love Vancouver Podcast: 5 Steps to Getting Organized

30, May 2017

This May,  I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Katy Mackenzie for her I Love Vancouver Real Estate podcast.  We talked about the services that I provide, the biggest challenges people face trying to get organized and the 5 steps to becoming more organized. We discussed the 5 Step Process… Read more

BC Almanac: How to Begin Spring Cleaning

24, Mar 2017

If you missed my CBC BC Almanac radio segment, here are some tips I shared on how to begin spring cleaning or, as I prefer to call it, “Spring Clearing.” 1. Determine Your Spring Cleaning Goal Decide why you want to clear before you begin your task. You will be… Read more

We CLEAR, You Clean

31, May 2016

Life gets busy and we forget (or procrastinate) to do things we don’t like doing, like spring cleaning. Here at Out of Chaos, we prefer to call it Spring CLEARing. Follow our easy CLEAR process and do your spring-clearing chores before summer gets here! The CLEAR Process Categorize: The process… Read more

Clutter Compounds Workplace Stress for Canadians

17, Oct 2011

TORONTO, October 17, 2011. For 62 percent of working Canadians, work was identified as the primary culprit of stress in 2010. This is according to new numbers from Statistics Canada released last week. A pressure-cooker to begin with, the workplace stress is made even more intense by being disorganized. “Canadians… Read more