Organizing Tips – General

How Can I Stop Being Disorganized?

14, Feb 2017

I get asked the question, “How can I stop being disorganized?” quite a bit as a Professional Organizer. The answer isn’t an easy one. There is no magic pill to make anyone organized. But, if you feel you are a disorganized person, here are a few steps I recommend you… Read more

Clutter is a State of Mind: How it Affects Us

11, Jul 2016

Even our storage supplier friends from Down Under, Kennards Self Storage New Zealand, have clients who face the same problems we face here on the West Coast when dealing with clutter. How Clutter Affects Us Clutter affects us in various different ways, other than not being aesthetically pleasing: Increased anxiety Impaired… Read more

We CLEAR, You Clean

31, May 2016

Life gets busy and we forget (or procrastinate) to do things we don’t like doing, like spring cleaning. Here at Out of Chaos, we prefer to call it Spring CLEARing. Follow our easy CLEAR process and do your spring-clearing chores before summer gets here! The CLEAR Process Categorize: The process… Read more

Organize an Emergency Wildfire Kit

10, May 2016

The wildfires in Fort McMurray are a devastating eye-opener of how prepared or ill-prepared we are for emergencies. Professional Organizers in Canada is sharing their top tips to organize an emergency wildfire kit. Ideally, you should create an emergency kit to sustain your family for at least 72 hours. In… Read more

Labelling Limbo

01, Mar 2016

We learned how important labelling was in kindergarten when teachers labelled our cubicles in the cloakroom. We would leave our coat, hat, and mittens in the designated spot with our name on it. You would not dream of placing your coat in someone else’s spot. But why do adults dread… Read more

Change or Die

18, Nov 2015

Change or Die was a very engaging presentation we attended by David Bentall, an accomplished executive coach and athlete. His interactive session explored what he learned about making lasting changes in your personal and professional life. Working with clients struggling with defining their office systems and processes, I often notice… Read more

Organizing Your Keys with KeySmart

29, Sep 2015

Keys are part of life, but bulky key rings are a choice. I’ve been using an innovative system to organize my keys by KeySmart, and I love it! The founder of KeySmart had the same problem that is common to everybody. His key ring was bulky, uncomfortable and noisy. Stop… Read more

Chu-sing Spirit

16, Dec 2013

Tien, Out of Chaos’ in-house Feng Shui Expert, has these words to share for those choosing to self reflect and for some spiritual guidance. Whom we choose to love is a reflection of who we are. If we want someone to love us, we have to fall in love with… Read more

Got Spaghetti Cords?

09, Oct 2012

While many of us continue to struggle with managing our overload in electronic information and our overflowing email in-boxes, there lies in a deep corner of your office in a drawer hidden away, a tangled mess of spaghetti cords, software, and manuals. In this electronic world of gadgets, where one… Read more

Make Things Happen

20, Dec 2010

Last week I made a presentation to the graduating class at Ashton College. It is a local college that provides career and continuing education to both domestic and international students. Preparing for the appropriate words of wisdom gave me the opportunity to reflect on my own journey and the journeys… Read more