Home Organizing

Buying Clothes for Uncluttered Closets

07, Oct 2019

Reports indicate that we purchase 400 percent more clothing per year than we did 20 years ago. It’s no wonder we have overstuffed closets and dressers. Additionally, experts tell us that the fashion industry has a hugely detrimental effect on our environment – from the water and chemicals used to… Read more

Should I Rent a Self-Storage Unit?

15, Jul 2019

Some of my clients ask whether they should keep some of their possessions in a self-storage unit. I’ve written before about why you should not use one, but there are many factors to consider. This includes whether you are using the self-storage unit temporarily or permanently, what you want to… Read more

Pivot Magazine: The Kondo Boom

30, Jun 2019

I was delighted to be interviewed for the CPA Pivot Magazine about the public’s fascination with the KonMari Method of organizing. Here is part of my interview: “Marie Kondo is like the Keto diet… Her approach is very hot right now. But there are other diets out there that are… Read more

Organizing School Supplies at the End of the School Year

17, Jun 2019

The kids are done school for the year. They arrive home after their last day and dump all their school supplies, artwork, notebooks, dirty gym clothes, and everything else. The last thing they want to do is sort through it all. However, by taking a bit of time to get… Read more

Decluttering Kids’ Clothing

20, May 2019

Our clients with children tell us how quickly children grow and change. They often struggle with the accumulation of clothes and shoes – much of it is hardly worn because it is outgrown so quickly. Keeping ahead of the clutter can be challenging with kids so we’ve provided some advice… Read more

Spring Cleaning Your Filing Cabinets

22, Apr 2019

April has been selected as Records and Information Management (RIM) month. You might think this only applies to corporations or businesses. However, in our homes, we have documents that establish our identity (e.g. birth certificates) and show evidence of our financial transactions (e.g. income tax slips). We also have proof… Read more

Three Weird Things You Can Donate to Make a Difference

25, Mar 2019

At Out of Chaos, we’re always looking for ways to keep unwanted household goods out of the landfill. In my research, I’ve found three weird things you can donate instead of dumping in the trash and landfill. Wine Corks Remember that big plastic bag of wine corks you collected to… Read more

Breakfast Television: Does ‘The KonMari Method’ work for you?

04, Mar 2019

Last week I had a segment on Breakfast Television Vancouver to talk about how the KonMari method has sparked buzz in the organizing community. The KonMari method focuses on decluttering. You imagine if the item has a place in your future by asking if an item sparks joy. Sparking joy,… Read more

KonMari vs NonMari

25, Feb 2019

The most recent trend in professional organizing is the KonMari method. But there are many different ways to declutter and organize to create a relaxed and comfortable home. The professional organizing industry in Canada started in 2001 and earlier in the 1980s in the United States. Over the years, there have… Read more

Preparing Items for Online Sales

28, Jan 2019

One way to declutter is by selling individual items through online classified ad systems like kijiji, Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Here are some tips on preparing items for online sales to fetch higher prices. Clean and Polish – Maybe Before cleaning collectibles or antiques, you should consult an expert. Some… Read more