Life Collections: Use the Good Dishes

23, Dec 2024

beautiful dishes with a red pattern and high quality silverware set at a table as an example of a life collection of dishes

Part of my job includes helping homeowners downsize from a larger home to a smaller one. The Out of Chaos team often edits through their life collections and uncovers beautiful gifts and purchases never used (and sometimes never even opened). As they look at their items and decide what to do with them, they often sigh as they remember the special occasion when they received the gift. There is frequently a dawn of realization and regret that they haven’t enjoyed themselves anymore. Homeowners usually give these reasons if I ask why some of their life collections weren’t used.

“They’re too expensive or too fancy.”

Maybe that silver tea service is a bit much for a casual lunch, but make an effort to create celebrations to use it more than once a year. If you’re a grandparent, your grandchildren will remember those times you made them feel special when you brought out the expensive silverware and shared it with them.

“I was saving it for special guests.”

All guests are special, and so are you! Haul out that fine china and crystal for Sunday dinner and create memories. Big platters, tiered trays, and punch bowls are great for get-togethers. Throw a party with your life collections! There’s no point in holding on to something, hoping it will be passed down and appreciated by other family members. These items won’t hold the same fond memories for them.

“It’s too much work to clean.”

Granted, some items do take a bit of work to clean. We love our dishwashers, and the thought of washing delicate items by hand can be daunting. I suggest that if the item is something you enjoy looking at, keep it for decorative and sentimental reasons. If it is something you wouldn’t miss, give it away or sell it so it can be enjoyed by someone else.

Enjoy time with family and friends and create lasting memories with your life collections. Go ahead and use the good dishes! What are you waiting for?

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