Streamline Your Move with the 3 Passes Approach

18, Mar 2025

three sets of arrows, one for each of the 3 Passes Approach and its description

When you move, you have a lot of decisions to make – and the biggest decisions involve what items to bring to your new home. That’s where the “3 Passes Approach” comes in. I share this method with my clients to make the process smoother and more effective. It transforms the daunting task of decision-making into a manageable process. Whether you’re moving or downsizing, this approach can be a game-changer.

First Pass: The Emotional Connection

Once you decide to move or downsize, walk through your current space. Look at your furniture and possessions. Ask yourself which items you feel you can’t live without. Then, add these to a “Keep Pile.” Generally, my clients make a list or photograph of the things they love. Besides, it’s too much work to stack large items like sofas, chairs, and cabinets in one corner of a room.

During the first pass, allow yourself to be emotional. Fond memories will influence you to save many things. It is understandable – and typical of most people’s experiences. Whenever you find items you love, add them to your Keep Pile.

Second Pass: The Reality Check

The second pass involves revisiting your Keep Pile to examine the amount of stuff you’re holding on to. At this point, many of our clients realize they won’t have enough room in their new home to keep everything. Additionally, the cost of moving some of the items can be prohibitive.

The second pass is when thoughtful editing begins. It can be the most emotionally challenging step for many people. However, think about which items your family and friends might appreciate. And consider how items you donate might transform the life of someone else.

Third Pass: The Fresh Perspective

Once you move into your new home, you can do the Third Pass. As you unpack items, you will see them in a new light. In fact, some of our clients have a “What was I thinking?” moment. If an item’s style, colour, or size does not fit in your new home, you can let it go. You can take this opportunity to fill your new home only with items that belong in this next chapter of your life.

The 3 Passes Benefits

The best part about the 3 Passes Approach is that you don’t have to do all three passes on the same day – or even the same week. In fact, giving yourself time between each pass can improve your decision-making. Likewise, you don’t have to do your entire home in one go. Focussing on one room at a time might be best for your situation.

The 3 Passes Approach will allow you to transition to a home that perfectly reflects who you are. I guarantee you’ll be living in your new home with just the right items.

If you need assistance with downsizing or moving, check out our move management services.

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